Chris Mapp is a remote freelance designer working mostly in motion design & broadcast design. His skills include concept, research, design, layout, 3D modeling, 2D illustration, animation & compositing. He works mostly in Cinema 4D, After Effects, Illustrator & Photoshop. He prefers to design in After Effects using Illustrator & Photoshop as support as opposed to Photoshop because of After Effects' easy transition to production and it's non-destructive workflow.

Chris graduated from TCU in 1998 and has been working in 3D animation & motion graphics since that time. Chris has been fortunate enough to work on both coasts for some amazing studios & networks- most recently for Cake Studios & NFL Network in Los Angeles, ESPN in Connecticut where he was the lead animator on the 2009 Sports Center redesign and Fox Business network and Fuse News for the Fuse network in NYC.

Since 2013 he has mostly focused his efforts on research/concept, general design, the creation of style frames & establishing the final look of the comp using Cinema 4D & After Effects as a designer & art director for Cake Studios in Burbank, CA on various projects for clients such as Fox Sports, the Philadelphia Eagles, PAC-12 Network, DIRECTV, TVA Sports and the TVG Network.

He enjoys working on sports graphics but also loves entertainment & film-which he is also a huge fan of. When he is not working he likes to get out into nature or watch his favorite sci-fi classics.

Chris is currently residing in Texas and is available for remote design and animation thanks to the amazing powers of the internet. Please feel free to get in touch or just say hello:

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