This is a virtual background that was used for NFL Now's Stage 5 at NFL Network. Only the talent and some basic furniture were live action shot on camera while the entire background was virtual. Working under the guidance of the Art Director for the Digital Group at NFL Network who had already started to build the front set pieces in 3D, I built the entire background- everything that appears behind the windows, from custom-made geometry that included various buildings and a generic modern NFL stadium. By making use of modular sections and using various colors/shades along with Cinema 4D's mograph cloner I was able to add a lot of complexity to the background behind the windows. A stock photo was used for the very distant skyline. The control room had the option to put custom images of their choosing in the picture frames and the television monitor of the virtual set. All 3D was built and setup in Cinema 4D and final compositing took place in After Effects.
Center Shot

Left Shot

Right Shot

Wide Shot

3D Scene Layouts